FIF’s activity and SDGs

Aiming to contribute to SDGs

Since its foundation in 2006, FIF has made social contributions through cooperating with various stakeholders. FIF aims to contribute towards SDGs, a set of shared goals by the international society, through different activities utilizing the knowhow and networks accumulated over the years.
By promoting activities towards four of the 17 goals and related targets, FIF has been contributing to the achievement of SDGs goals.

What is SDGs?

SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals, which is adopted in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly, aiming for “No one is left behind” from the world. It consists of 17 goals with 169 targets, intended to be achieved by both developing and developed countries by 2030.


Industry, Innovation,
and Infrastructure

In Member Companies Lab, FIF provides opportunities for open innovation by regularly holding seminars and workshops for our member companies. Together with leaders of the next generation, members learn the trends in new technology and discuss it with other participants from different industries.
Since switching the seminars to be held online from 2020, Member Companies Lab offers various seminars to continuously discuss about topics such as community revitalization, digital transformation, ESG, SDGs and the future role of finance.
In Kids Innovation Lab, FIF implements various programs to get children more interested about the society and foster an innovative mindset through exposure to new technology. Thanks to Kids Innovation Lab activities, Future Corporation, the company running FIF, received the Awards as “a company providing hands-on activities for children” by MEXT for four consecutive years since 2019.


Quality Education

It is vital for the future generation to find problems on their own and corporate with others to come up with solutions. Kids Innovation Lab provides programs that enable children from all over the country to take an early interest in IT and our society, and motivate them to think about their own future.
In 2022, FIF also invited children under 18 from all over the country to the final round of the competitive programming competition, “HACK TO THE FUTURE 2023 for Youth”, which took place in Tokyo. 16 students from this competition were invited to compete with adults in the main round.

TARGET 4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship

Reduced Inequalities

One of the Kids Innovation Lab programs, “Experience the World of Para Sports with VR” which started from 2016 is a school visit program where participants can experience blind soccer using a VR application developed by Future Corporation. This program was aimed for the participants to experience how physically challenged people play para-sports. Since 2022, FIF organized blind soccer trial sessions together with Zeekstar Tokyo, Future Corporation’s professional handball team, where more than 30 people participated and obtained hands-on experience.
Furthermore, programs such as “Sports Ideathon” and “Sports Hackathon” provided opportunities for participants to utilize IT, devise and pitch their unique ideas to boost Para Sports while learning the realization of a symbiotic society.

TARGET 10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status

Partnerships for the Goals

In order to run FIF, cooperation from various stakeholders such as companies, governments, schools and NGOs is necessary. The “Social program” of Kids Innovation Lab programs offers work experience at worksites and an excursion to facilities children can seldom go into. Programs include “Logistics Frontline” that has been going on for 10 years, “Space Elevator Robotics Challenge”, and “1 Day Financial Academy” which started in 2022. Also, in “Seminar/Workshop” for member companies, FIF invites lecturers and panelists from around the industry, government and academia to discuss on how industry-government-academia cooperation and partnership should take shape.

TARGET 17.17 Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships

The 169 targets on this page are quoted from the following website.
United Nations, “Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals – United Nations Sustainable Development”. Retrieved September 6, 2021, from